101 Things in 1001 Days
Aug 13, 2012 - May 11, 2015
- Read 10 classic books [0/10]
Send a care package to someone/create a care package for someone- Complete 10 pages in my scrapbook [0/10]
- Attend 20 JMU Alumni Association events [5/20]
- See 10 classic movies I've never seen [0/10]
- Go somewhere outside the Eastern Time Zone (U.S)
- Attend an NFL game
- Watch a movie at a drive-in
- Photograph a landscape from the same location, capturing all four seasons
- Buy a new lens for my camera
- Make my family tree
- Complete a first aid course
- Pass the Spanish Praxis
- Go rockclimbing
- Put together a family cookbook
- Get a passport
Buy luggage- Start working towards getting my Master's/take college courses
- Draft a novel
- Learn to knit with my circle needles
- Visit Boston
- Visit Chicago
- Learn how to play an instrument
- Enter a photography contest
Run a sub 65 minute 10K- Run a sub 50 minute 8K
- PR on my 5K time
- PR on my 8K time
PR on my 10K time- Have my photography displayed somewhere
- Frame my own photography for my house/apartment
- Take a photography class
- Buy a fish
- Learn basic Italian
- Attend a MLB game
- Go to a shooting range
- Decorate my apartment with 5 of my favorite quotes
- Go vegetarian for a week
- Go to a wine festival
- Finish paying off one of my student loans
- Host a games night with friends
- Buy a new battery for my laptop or a new laptop
- Have the stone on my class ring repaired
- Bowl a 100 or higher
Buy chains for my charms that I bought in Richmond- Finish paying mom back for car repairs
- Attend a belly dancing class
- Meet an online friend in person
- Eat at and blog about 10 new restaurants [0/10]
- Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity
- Visit Nashville (Tennessee)
- Go horseback riding
- Get a Hard Rock Cafe shirt from Baltimore
- Buy something to display my souvenir spoons
- Scan all important photographs so I can have digital copies
- Visit the Holocaust Museum in RIchmond, Va
- Go fishing
- Take photos of my favorite places at JMU/Harrisonburg
- Go camping
- Go to the zoo
- Visit Savannah, GA
- Play mini golf
- Make an effort to obtain my CDIB card, if eligible
- Visit James Madison's Montpelier
- Visit Jamestown
Buy a planner- Go to 5 concerts [0/5]
- Buy/get a firesafe box
- Download a MIT OpenCourseWare class
- Visit New York City again
Run the Monument Avenue 10K again- Visit Colonial Williamsburg
Be in a wedding- Buy an umbrella or two (one for car, one for house) and actually keep up with them
- Watch all 3 of the Lord of the Rings movies [0/3]
- Reunion with the MCCs (complete with a photo)
Reunion with my roomies (complete with photo!)Go to the state fair- Redo my photography portfolio
- Buy a watch or replace the crystal in my old watch
- Play golf or go to the driving range
- Ride a train
Fly on a plane- Second shoot a wedding
- Play laser tag
Get some San Diego Chargers stuff- Get published in a magazine or newsletter
Buy a JMU license plate border- Keep track of all expenses for a month
- Buy a new JMU blanket
- Consolidate at least two of my student loans
- Set up a filing system to file all my important financial papers
- Have my diplomas framed
- Create a cleaning schedule for my apt and stick to it
- Make some throw pillows
Attend a bachelorette party- Consider buying or buy a new (to me) car
- Go to Belle Isle (Richmond, Va)
- Go to a spa
- Redesign my blog
- Get an EZ pass for my car
via: dayzeroproject.com/user/sovagrl23
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