I've lived in Virginia my whole life, for almost 25 years now and we can have some interesting weather.
It's March. Almost mid-March. A little more than a month ago, good ole Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow.
Does this look like an early Spring? This is Wednesday, March 6.
I drove 45 minutes to work in this messy weather. It rained the entire way up, until I reached the interstate and then it started a wonderful snow/rain mix. We ended up closing our office at 11 a.m. and I was stranded stayed in Richmond. I'm not sure what the final measurements were but I'd say we got 2 to 3 inches.
Today, just 4 days later, it was 63 degrees. Tomorrow it's going to be 70 degrees. Gotta love that crazy Virginia weather.
I can't wait until spring is here to stay.
How's the weather where you are?
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