Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hands Up For the Dukes!

I am not a basketball fan. I love me some football and baseball pants. Basketball is just so squeaky.

But I am a JMU fan. A big JMU fan. I learned via my Facebook newsfeed that JMU had won its first two games in the CAA tournament and was advancing to the CAA Championship.

Best of all, the game was taking place in Richmond! So on Sunday night, I got the idea in my head that maybe I should attend the game. After consulting with a couple of fellow JMU fans, I learned that tickets to the Championship were as cheap as $10.

I had to take advantage of that. So Monday, I spent some time coordinating a couple of friends to go to the game with me. I ended up getting in touch with one of my favorite Dinwiddie/JMU girls, Michelle and my cousin, Travis to attend with me. I also found out that Matt and Amanda would be in attendance too.

Hands up for the DUKES!
After work, I headed over to the Coliseum where the game was taking place and bought mine and Travis's tickets. We were playing Northeastern, a team out of Boston, MA, so JMU was obviously well represented in the Coliseum. Also no one was checking tickets at all so we got to sit much closer than the seats our tickets were for.


Our team had such great momentum in the first half and our fan had so much energy. Northeastern gained a little momentum in the second half but they couldn't keep up. JMU won the game 70-57 to become win the CAA title and to start their road to the NCAA tournament!

It was amazing to be there and watch it all happen. I love being a JMU Duke and being a part of JMU Nation.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Virginia Weather

Hey all! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. It was absolutely beautiful here. Which is actually kind of ironic due to the weather that we had earlier in the week.

I've lived in Virginia my whole life, for almost 25 years now and we can have some interesting weather. 

It's March. Almost mid-March. A little more than a month ago, good ole Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow.

Does this look like an early Spring? This is Wednesday, March 6.

I drove 45 minutes to work in this messy weather. It rained the entire way up, until I reached the interstate and then it started a wonderful snow/rain mix. We ended up closing our office at 11 a.m. and I was stranded stayed in Richmond. I'm not sure what the final measurements were but I'd say we got 2 to 3 inches.
Today, just 4 days later, it was 63 degrees. Tomorrow it's going to be 70 degrees. Gotta love that crazy Virginia weather.
I can't wait until spring is here to stay.

How's the weather where you are?