Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Game 2: JMU vs Alcorn State

The weekend of the second home JMU football game was definitely more of a whirlwind for me than the first weekend. I worked wayyyy later than I supposed to the Friday before the game; therefore, I did not drive up until Saturday morning. As I was driving up, I heard on the radio that there was a threat of inclement weather. But I wasn't going to let that stop my fun.

The Outfit
Yes this was taken in the bathroom
Outfit: Yellow T-shirt (JCPenney < $10), Purple mini skirt (Rave, forever ago, don't remember the price)
Not pictured:   Shoes (Converse, Journey ~$44), Shoelaces (Journey, I can't remember the price. <less $10.) 
Earrings (a gift from my sister, maybe from Rue21)
The Tailgate
Since Patti and her family were not attending the game, I met up with Steve, Tyler, and Danielle as soon as they got to Harrisonburg. They picked me up on campus and we headed downtown to grab lunch at Capital Ale House, which I had never eaten at before. Here, admire this photo of the burger I ate.
BTW, that pickle on top was not a regular pickle. It was like a relish pickle. Ew.

After lunch we headed to campus. After making a couple of stops, we made it down to P-Lot to hang out with that crew, which was fun. I got to hang out with some people that I'd only seen briefly the week before and we got to introduce Danielle to our friends. 

Thomas and I
I didn't take as many pictures as I did Week 1 because I was having too much fun and running my mouth (Imagine that).

The Game
So remember when I said that there was a threat of inclement weather. Well it poured while we were at lunch and they ended up postponing the game until 7 p.m. That just meant we had more time to tailgate. 

The opposing team had the same colors as us, which was very confusing, and had driven all the way up from Mississippi (make sure you say that with a Southern accent). I hope the drive was worth the loss they suffered, 42-3. Again this game got boring so we all ended up leaving early again. I then headed to Jeremy's to celebrate his birthday with him and some close friends!


  1. man I miss going to football games!!! Live it up while you have the chance!

    1. Just wait until next football season! You can cart your little Hokie-Hoo to a game or two! :)
