This past weekend I had my first couponing success. I've never actually watched that Extreme Couponing show that comes on TLC (...I think that's the right channel) but I fully support the idea. I like saving money and I am excellent at hoarding things. And best of all, I love cutting out coupons. I find it relaxing; it's the best part of getting the Sunday newspaper (I am being an awful journalism major right now).
Back to the shopping trip. I have been coveting this customizable planner from Staples for several months now, hoping it would go on sale. (I hate paying full price for things, call me cheap if you'd like and prepare to be amazed). I also recently became a Staples Rewards member.
Did you know that if you turn in your old ink cartridges to Staples you get $2 back for each of them (not on the spot)? You can turn in up to 10 a month. So one day after work last month, I turned in 6 ink cartridges. I've been patiently awaiting my $12 back in rewards that finally arrived last week.
I also get emails from Staples and they went me a 20% of any one item coupon. With both of these awesome discounts I decided that it was time.
The planner in the center is the one that I have been conveting. It was $14.99. However, there was a buy any customizable notebook and getting a polycover customizable notebook (valued at $7.99) free, which is how I ended up with the green notebook! I needed a water because I have no AC in my car and I was super dehydrated; it was $1.69.
Blue leather notebook 14.99
Green polycover notebook 7.99
Buy one, get one deal -7.99
Subtotal 14.99
20% off -3.00
Subtotal 11.99
Water 1.69
Subtotal 13.68
Staples Rewards -12.00
Subtotal 1.68
Tax 0.07
Grand Total 1.75
Yeah, I totally paid $1.75 for all three of those items. Essentially that's as if I bought the water by itself and got a .01 cent discount on it.
Needless to say, I felt pretty accomplished. So I celebrated my spending way too much money at Target. Ugh, maybe I don't understand this saving money thing after all!
What are your thoughts on couponing? Have you ever attempted it? What's your greatest couponing success?